Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Video: Pregnant Kate rests at hospital, world watches

>>> begin with that big news for the duke and duchess of cambridge. they are expecting a child. natalie is at kings edward vii hospital in london. natalie, good morning to you.

>> and good morning to you, matt. moments ago, we saw prince william arrive here at the central london hospital where kate was admitted on monday. she's here on bed rest and receiving fluids. she was admitted with a case of hyperemesis gravidarum, a case of acute morning sickness , but doctors say with the rest and the care that she needs over the next couple of days, she should be back on her feet soon. prince william returning to his wife's bedside at king edward vii hospital on her second day of treatment. the official word of her pregnancy came in a flurry on monday when st. james palace said the royal family is delighted, but with kate less than 12 weeks along on monday afternoon will and kate drove themselves to a central london hospital after kate began experiencing acute morning sickness . monday night will was seen leaving the hospital. according to the palace they expect kate to stay at the hospital for a few days with a period of rest afterwards.

>> she'd be having a drip to replace fluids, possibly medication to stop nausea and vomiting and, of course, bed rest , and that really helps quite a lot. in all cases it settles within a few days or maximum a week.

>> reporter: for the nation a royal baby on the way has been thrilling news. eagerly anticipated ever since will and kate 's fairy tale april wedding.

>> not only related to kings and queens in its lineage but also to working class people, coal miners on kate 's side so for the first time ever this will be a truly modern monarchy.

>> kate 's slender frame could hardly keep a secret for long. tabloid speculation began even before the wedding, fueled by every touch of the belly, every sip of plain water and every dress with a changing waistline. the signs were there just last week during a visit to cambridge. kate was spotted tickling the feet of a baby boy in the crowd. . at a visit to her old elementary school kate reminisced about her time there as a child with her sister pippa.

>> my sister pippa.

>> reporter: and even managed to fit in time for her favorite sport, field hockey , glowing and aspirins william greeted the crowd he was given a baby romper and will's response, i'll keep that. william knows firsthand how much the world's attention will be focused on the new child having experienced it himself. growing up in kensington palace where the couple will now raise their family. he will now appreciate the attention his mother received. diana captivated the world when she was pregnant with william and harry. now william , katherine and their first born will be the focus. on their very first royal tour together as newlyweds kate spoke to the parents of a youngster. the father wished kate luck starting her own family. she said yes, i hope to. now her wish and that of her country has come true. and back out here outside the hospital, as you can see, the news of kate 's pregnancy is already a global sensation with news crews from all over the world here. the headlines and the reporting are already rampant, as you see with even some of the headlines reading from "the daily telegraph ," "could it be twins for kate " because the type of acute morning sickness she has can sometimes signify multiple births , savannah.

>> we'll have to ask dr. nancy snyderman about that. thank you. we'll check in with you a little bit later.


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